Silas shocks audience on his radio debut for Abbey 104 FM

The Blog’s erstwhile gardening and rural affairs correspondent SILAS SILAGE is back from wherever he has been lurking. Although he has not written for the Blog since 2011, he has been sniffing around the media scene, and recently surfaced on the Sherborne/Yeovil community radio station Abbey 104 FM.

He persuaded their star presenter Cat Paterson to accompany him on an all-night badger watch on the Bank Holiday Monday. Armed with just a microphone, she tiptoed into the woods with Silas. . . . .

(Excerpt from a Radio programme first broadcast on Monday 30 May 2016)

Silas Silage to make a radio comeback -Updated

Screenshot_NormalAppImage(1)Update: The program will be broadcast at 5 pm. Silas is expected to appear around 5.40

Silas Silage, the Blog’s erstwhile gardening expert (see Blogs passim -Ed) is making a comeback on a new show to be broadcast live on Sherborne’s local radio station, Abbey 104 FM.

He will be appearing on Cat Paterson’s drive time show on Bank Holiday Monday at 6 pm. His subject? Badgers.

The old codger has apparently persuaded the lovely Miss Paterson to accompany him on an all night badger watch.  All we can say is “Watch out Cat”.

The Cat Paterson show is broadcast on Mondays at 6 pm. Abbey Radio is on 104.7 FM in the Sherborne and Yeovil areas, or online at www.abbey104. com. You can also listen to the catch up edition of the show during the week following transmission.

Silas Silage used to write down to earth Blog columns on gardening and country life, and many readers were charmed by his pithy advice and homespun humour. Political correctness was not his strong point. He last wrote for the Blog in 2011, and left after a disagreement over fees. (He wanted us to pay him, we wanted him to pay us -Ed).

Listen to a replay

Horsington to shed its clothes –and inhibitions –in summer nudie stunt

Horsington's nudists rehearse for the big event in July when they will lay down in front of a hedging machine.
Horsington’s nudists get fit for the “Moon in June” event on June 4th, when they will lay down in front of a hedging machine.

Horsington is set to join the famous art movement of American photographer Spencer Tunick – by taking its clothes off for a public spectacular in June!

Tunick, who is famous for his art works featuring naked bodies, has photographed “naked”pieces at the Sydney Opera House in Australia, the Institut Cultura in Barcelona, Spain, the Baltic Centre in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, and in Salford and Manchester. He intends to recruit the inhabitants of Horsington –of all ages and genders- to pose naked in an artistic tableau entitled “Moon in June”, which will feature a meadow full of naked bodies in front of a hedge trimming machine. It is not known whether the driver will be clothed.

The artist was approached by a group of villagers after the successful Village Dinner back in February.

Inspired by the community spirit of the dinner, they decided to plan 2 events to celebrate village life. One, a Summer Ball, is still at the concept stage, but the other, the naked art installation to commemorate the traditional May hedge cutting season in Horsington, was down to a single phone call.

Mrs Ameila Badger, who wishes to remain anonymous, had the idea after listening to an item on Radio 4 about a similar project in Hull. Explained Mrs Badger, “in Hull they want to paint people and get them wet. Here in Horsington, which is much closer than Hull, we prefer the idea of natural flesh tones blending in with the gamboge tints of an agricultural machine”. The artist agreed and immediately saw the potential and gave the go-ahead after a 3-way satellite teleconference on April 1st.

The project will take place on Saturday June 4th, the day before the New Moon, and will be staged either in the grounds of Horsington Manor, if permission is given, or on the cricket pitch, which will have been freshly-rolled after the annual cricket match between Horsington and the Tabard Pilgrims from Chiswick. (This match will be fully clothed-Ed).

As the weather can often be a bit tricky at that time of the year,  the ever-helpful and public-spirited Mr Samson of Somerset Mini Marquees, will erect a suitable shelter to protect participants from the elements. Teas will be provided by the Half Moon and the WVS.

Over 4,000 people applied for 1,000 places for “Everyday People”, which was staged in 2010 in eight secret locations around Salford and Manchester, with volunteers ferried between each location in heated buses. Horsington’s needs are more modest – we just need 400 people.

To volunteer, please sign up  by emailing editor Do not send a photograph.
Come on, don’t be shy -Ed

Mrs Badger writes. . .

Mrs Badger writes. . .

Dear Mr Editor,

I was so pleased to see that the Half Moon is having  a karaoke evening.  My late husband would have loved it, as there’s nothing he enjoyed more than a little rock n’ roll on a Saturday night.

I would like to be there, but am a little nervous about what to wear, as it so long since I ventured forth socially, and is it all right if I come along as a single woman, as they are not always welcome?

Is there any chance that your nice Mr Winterborne Longjohns will be attending?


Amelia Badger (Mrs)

The Editor replies

Delighted to hear from you Mrs B, and a Happy New Year to you.

I understand the Management of the Half Moon will welcome everyone regardless of  age and marital status. As for dress, we understand that some people will be wearing clothes from the 1950’s or 60’s, even rock n roll wigs, but this is not compulsory.

As for Mr Longjohns, alas we doubt that he will be tempted as there is no Wincanton Races on that day, and no-one has seen him in rock n’ roll mode for decades. But you never know, ma’am.

Like you, we are all looking forward to a great evening

Sloppy proofreading mars opening race meeting

Punters at Wincanton today will be dismayed by a careless error in the race card. The 3.35 race is called the Horsington Handicap Hurdle. It should of course be the Horsington BLOG Handicap Hurdle.  The blog will accept a fulsome apology and free tickets to the next meeting by way of a penance.Race

PS. We fancy Mountain Fighter to win


News from the Political conferences

The New Leader in a reflective mood. Photo: EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga

Brighton 30 September 2015. Professor Dave Wonk of the think tank “New Thought” has resigned as the Blog’s political correspondent, which is frankly a bit of a cheek – we forgot to sack him.

His place has been taken by Len Spanner, policy director of the People’s Anti-Capitalist Collective for Action (Marxist-Leninist) or PACAC for short, who has sent  a long  communique from Brighton.

“The sun shone in Brighton today as the party faithful joyfully mobbed their new leader, elected by the largest democratic majority in the history of the Movement.

“It is now time for the masses to rise up and strike against the capitalist bankers and the global oligarchs who have bled this country white. Let us free ourselves from the tyranny of nuclear weapons and support the steelworkers of Redcar. Down with rents! Down with business! Down with Cameron!. Print some more money! Workers unite!”

We have cut the rest. But in order to help readers understand what is going on, we have updated Professor Wonk’s original slide on the evolution of the Labour Party.



Parish Councilors wanted

Horsington Parish Council has come up with a new 19th century Notice Board App. Quite simply, you put something on the village notice board, but in such a way that no one can read it.

But no-one reads it anyway -Ed.

Begone, dullard!  They are looking for 2 candidates to join their merry throng. One should be sufficiently qualified to put notices up so they can be seen clearly. The other should have enough oratory to persuade the council to communicate important messages via Wincanton Window,  the Village Hall Website, Facebook or Twitter.

What about the blog? -Ed

Don’t be impertinent.

If you are interested in applying, contact the Parish Council Clerk, David Chapman 01963 370527 or

We think they are trying to advertise for new councillors


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